~~NOTOC~~ ====== Downloading potfit ====== ---- //potfit// is released under the GNU General Public Licence Version 2. By downloading the source code you agree to the conditions of that [[License|license]]. ==== Latest version ==== The latest version of //potfit// can be downloaded here: [[https://www.potfit.net/download/potfit-20211112.tar.gz|potfit-20211112.tar.gz]] ==== Development versions ==== The //potfit// source code is also available from the [[https://github.com/potfit/potfit|potfit]] git repository hosted on [[https://github.com/|github.com]]. ==== Previous versions ==== Previous //potfit// releases can be found [[https://www.potfit.net/download/|here]]. === Anonymous git access (read-only) === You can download the current version via anonymous git access at [[https://github.com/potfit/potfit]]. If you want to send us your changes, you can send it to the //potfit// [[mailinglist|mailing list]] or as a pull request on github. === Current build status === |analytic potentials|[[analytic|{{https://jenkins.potfit.net/job/potfit_analytic_potentials/badge/icon}}]]| |tabulated potentials|[[tabulated|{{https://jenkins.potfit.net/job/potfit_tabulated_potentials/badge/icon}}]]| |KIM potentials|[[tabulated|{{https://jenkins.potfit.net/job/potfit_kim_potentials/badge/icon}}]]| |Tests|[[tabulated|{{https://jenkins.potfit.net/job/test_potfit/badge/icon}}]]|