====== Utilities ====== ---- The ''util'' subdirectory in the //potfit// source tree contains a number of utility programs for the preparation of //potfit// input files and the postprocessing of //potfit// output files. [[utilities:force2imd|force2imd]]\\ Convert a potfit configuration into an IMD checkpoint file. [[utilities:force2poscar|force2poscar]]\\ Convert a potfit configuration into a VASP POSCAR file. [[utilities:list_config|list_config]]\\ Prints a brief list of all configurations in a potfit config file. [[utilities:makeapot|makeapot]]\\ Create an analytic potential file for potift. [[utilities:plotapot|plotapot]]\\ Plot an analytic potfit potential using gnuplot. [[utilities:potfit_setup|potfit_setup]]\\ Creates a parameter file for //potfit// from scratch. [[utilities:castep2force|castep2force]]\\ Converts CASTEP .md files to potfit force files. [[utilities:vasp2force|vasp2force]]\\ Converts vasp output (POSCAR, OUTCAR) to reference configuration data. [[utilities:kim_read_model_props|kim_read_model_props]]\\ Reads various properties of OpenKIM models and prints them. [[utilities:awk_scripts|awk scripts]]\\ A series of awk scripts to handle various tasks with potential files, like combining, appending, creating from analytical functions, generating from scratch, plotting,...